Toguchi fishing portͺ
Ÿ mapcode@(206 857 756)
ž Address and latitude and longitude.
Ÿ 791 toguchi ward, motobu town, kunigami county, Okinawa prefecture.
Latitude 26 degrees 39 minutes 40.784 seconds (26.661329)
ˆά“x 26“x39•ͺ40.784•b(26.661329)

Longitude 127 degrees 53 minutes 29.184 seconds (127.89144)
Œo“x 127“x53•ͺ29.184•b(127.89144)
Ÿ mapcode@(206 857 756)

Position of Motobu Town
Ÿ Motobu town exists is located in the Okinawa main island northern part, and it is known there as a town where the Churaumi aquarium exists.

ž From Naha city
              go to Nago city.
1 - Go to the Northwest by using the 449 Route from Nago.(Along the coast.)
2 - If you go along the coast, "Toguchi fishing port" will watch after about 15 minutes.